A level Philosophy

1. Philosophy toolkit

Baseline exam

For the Philosophy Toolkit unit exam, you should revise the following topics:

What is philosophy?


  • Concepts and propositions; words and assertions
  • Philosophical argumentation
  • Deductive and inductive arguments
  • Fallacies, including the fallacy of composition, the fallacy of equivocation, and the naturalistic fallacy


  • The nature of definition
  • Necessary and sufficient conditions

The origins of philosophy:

  • Socrates and his elenchus
  • Plato including his cave allegory
  • Aristotle

The exam will last one hour and thirty minutes and comprise 3 mark questions, 5 marks questions, and 12 marks questions.

Generic subject content: question list

Here’s a full list of questions derived from the ‘Subject content‘ part of the AQA specification. We’ve covered a lot (but not all) of these in the introductory unit.

Learning resources

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy has a comprehensive list and explanation of fallacies

DailyMotion Socrates video (we watched in class)

Plato’s cave allegory: Original text