
About the site

The website is designed to promote academic enquiry, religious literacy, and philosophical thought in education. It is in its infancy. All going to plan, it will burgeon over the coming year.

I am a school teacher, and I’ve made the site principally with my own students and colleagues in mind. But I hope that anyone who stumbles upon it finds it of use.

Because I believe that education is an entitlement, not a commodity, the website is strictly not-for-profit. If you do find it useful, and if you can afford to, please consider making a small donation to the charity I support:

I am grateful to everyone who has let me include their work on the site. I’ve tried not to include any student names—the principle of anonymity. Any views expressed are my own.

About me

My class photo from year 4 or 5…but which one is me?

P.S. I’m not the one top left!