GCSE Religious Studies

Last year (2021/2022)

Mock exams, September 2021

  • Ethics, 1 hour, Wednesday 22 September 2021, P3 & P4
  • Islam, 1 hour, Monday 27 September 2021, P3 & P4

It is important that you prepare for these exams seriously.

  • Ethics: There are questions on three units: (a) Good and evil, (b) Life and death, and (c) Human rights. You answer questions on two units.
  • The Islam paper has questions on (a) Islamic beliefs and (b) Islamic practices


1. Adam and Eve story

The Adam and Eve story is in Genesis 2–3. It’s very famous and very influential.

  • Watch it here:
  • And read the Bible version here.
  • Write a three paragraph summary of the key events in the story.

2. Christianity test

Learn the information on this sheet for a test in your lesson.

Your RS teacher will tell you when the testwill be.

To practise, take this quiz.

You can take it as many times as you like!