GCSE Religious Studies

Year 10 (2022/2023)

Topics we study in Year 10

  • Islamic beliefs
  • Islamic practices
  • Good and evil
  • Life and death

Islamic Beliefs end of unit exam (Year 10)

This takes place next week, Wednesday 6 December.

You need to revise for the end of unit exam on the Islamic Beliefs unit.

This includes creating your own revision resources.

The questioningeducation.co.uk GCSE page has loads of sources you can use including revision booklets, past questions, and quizzes.

BBC Bitesize is also excellent

Islam and the afterlife (15 November 2023


Find out about Islamic beliefs in life after death. Start by reading this :

Use these websites:

You can use other reliable websites too

Include these ideas:

  • barzakh
  • heaven
  • hell
  • Judgement Day (Yaw Muddin)
  • resurrection

Include relevant Islamic quotations, explaining their meaning


Create a PowerPoint or Word document to set out your work.

Explain everything in your own words, in detail!

Email completed work to me.


Answer these questions:

  • 1. What is meant by Yaw Muddin?
  • 2. Explain Islamic teachings about the afterlife
  • 3. ‘Heaven and hell are real, physical places’. Discuss, referring to Islam in your answer.

Email your work to me when done 🙂

An introduction to Islam

Islam title page (homework)

  1. Make a title page on Islam.
  2. Spend about an hour on this.
  3. Include the key words that we covered – as many as possible.
  4. Remember, no images of prophets, angels, or Allah (God) are allowed in Islam.
  5. Bring your work into lesson – I’ll mark it.
  6. Do it in your book or on paper.
  7. This will give you a good overview of the unit.

Here is the video we watched in class:

Death penalty

Lesson slides


Answer this question:

‘The death penalty should be reintroduced into the UK’. Discuss (15 marks)

Remember to include religious ideas too.

Islamic Practices: Festivals

What is Eid-ul-Adha? | Muslim Aid

There are many festivals in Islam:

  • Eid al-Adha (Festival of sacrifice)
  • Eid al-Fitr (Festival of Sweets)
  • Laylat-al-Qadr (Night of Power/Destiny)
  • Ashura (a day of mourning in Shiah Islam)

Research each festival using suitable websites. Then write a guide to Islamic festivals, including information about

  • celebration
  • community
  • commemoration

Suggested sources

Night of Power

Prince Naseem’s Guide to Islam

Islam test (homework)

Learn the information on this sheet for a test in your lesson.

Your RS teacher will tell you when the test will be.

To practise, take this quiz.

You can do it as many times as you like!


Allah (homework)

Prepare to answer the question,

  • Explain Islamic teachings about Allah (8 marks)

at the beginning of next lesson. You’ll answer questions under timed conditions in 15 minutes.

Try to include:

  • quotations e.g. ‘over all things Allah is competent’
  • key words e.g. ‘transcendent’
  • factual knowledge e.g. examples of the 99 names
  • differences within Islam e.g. that Shias emphasise adalat, God’s justice
  • advanced knowledge e.g. the three aspects of tawhid.

Allah (optional learning activity)

Make an artwork (sketch, drawing, painting) for any one (or more) of the 99 beautiful names of Allah for this questioningeducation.co.uk page.

Try to draw the name in a way that reflects its meaning e.g.




Ibrahim homework

Watch the Ibrahim video below. Then answer these questions:

  • (a) What are the key events in the life of Ibrahim? (3 paragraphs only)
  • (b) What lessons might Muslims learn from Ibrahim? (1 to 3 paragraphs)

This will help you understand why Ibrahim is so important in Islam.

Please hand to me in class next week for marking.


Remember, no images of either Allah or prophets are allowed in Islam.



Read the information sheet about Muhammed’s impact:

Then write one paragraph, in your own words, explaining Muhammed impact.

Extension (optional):

Watch the BBC documentary about Muhammed, writing notes as you go. Submit these for me to give you feedback on!

Malaikah (angels)

Munkar and Nakir, the terrifying angels of the grave

Extension: Independent research task

Create an information sheet, in your own words, about angels, focusing on

  • Jibril (Gabriel), especially his revelation of the Qur’an to Muhammed
  • Mika’il (Michael), the protector, in charge of plants and rain
  • Israfil (Raphael) and the Day of Resurrection.

and their importance.

Remember, no images of angels are allowed in Islam!

Useful sources

BBC Bitesize

Islam Online: Angels


Independent research task

  • Find out about Islamic beliefs about life after death.
  • Create a PowerPoint setting out your research in your own words.

Key words

Include the meanings of these words:

  • akhirah
  • barazakh
  • jahannam
  • jannah
  • resurrection
  • Yaw Muddin (Judgement Day)


Include these quotes, explaining what each one means:


Also include information about the role of angels:

  • Azrael , the angel of death
  • Israfil (Raphael), who will herald the day of resurrection
  • Munkar and Nakir

Useful sources


Exam question

Explain Islamic teachings about the afterlife. (8 marks)

The Sunni and the Shiah

End of unit exam

The exam will take 40 minutes on these dates:

  • 10y3: Tuesday 6 December 2022, p5
  • 10×2: Friday 9 December 2022, p. 5

The exam is on Islamic beliefs:

  • Tawhid (God)
  • Risalah (Prophets), including Ibrahim, Isa, and Muhammed
  • Malaikah (Angels)
  • Akhirah (Afterlife)
  • Al-Qadr (predestination; God’s power)
  • Sunni and Shiah

There are four questions:

  • 2 mark question
  • 5 mark question
  • 8 mark question
  • 15 mark question

For the 15 mark question, use the FARM structure, remembering to include what Muslims believe.